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Diego Andrés Golombek

/Diego Andrés Golombek
Diego Golombek - Orador Speaker | Oradores Speakers Conferencistas Contratar

Biografía / Speaker Info

Diego Andrés Golombek holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Buenos Aires. He stands out as a scientist who manages to explain science in words we all understand.

Diego Andrés Golombek is a scientist and professor. He holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Buenos Aires and is a science communicator. He stands out for working on the accessibility of scientific information for the whole society.

He is a regular full professor at the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and a senior researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). He is a visiting research professor at several international universities, including the University of Toronto (Canada), the University of Sao Paulo, the University of Campinhas, the University of the Republic, the University of Virginia, Université Louis Pasteur and the University of Santander. He was a columnist in the program "Científicos Industria Argentina" and editor of the book collection "Ciencia que ladra". He also develops scientific outreach activities in print and television media and organized the first festival "Buenos Aires Piensa".

He received, among others, the Bernardo Houssay National Science Award, the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Konex Award in communication, the Public Understanding of Science Award of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the Capital City Award of the Federal District of Mexico. He was named Outstanding Personality of Science in the City of Buenos Aires.

+1 (786) 422-9558 +1 (786) 422-9558

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Meet Diego Andrés Golombek


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